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Know what to do if in an auto accident with power lines

Know what to do if in an auto accident with power lines

If the car you are in hits a utility pole, your vehicle and the surrounding area can become energized.
Even if you do not touch lines or equipment, you can still be killed or seriously injured.

  1. Do not leave the car, and warn others to stay away.
  2. Call 911 to have the utility notified.
  3. Wait until a utility professional has told you it is safe.

The only reason to exit the vehicle is if it’s on fire.

  1. If the care is on fire, jump clear of the vehicle: with feet together, and without touching the car and the ground at the same time.
  2. Continue to hop away with your feet together as far as you can.

Source: www.safeelectricity.org
October 2016

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