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Merger decision to be made by Spring

Merger decision to be made by Spring

The Nebraska Power Review Board concluded its special meeting about the proposed merger of The Central Public Power and Irrigation District and Dawson Public Power District. The group has 60 days to make its final decision of the proposed new entity, Platte River...
Smith selected to represent Dawson PPD at Youth Tour

Smith selected to represent Dawson PPD at Youth Tour

Kearney Catholic High School Student Austin Smith was selected to represent Dawson Public Power District at the Nebraska Rural Electric Association Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. Smith is the son of Todd and Jody Smith. Smith and 20 other high school students will...
Let’s clear the waters and talk about the merger

Let’s clear the waters and talk about the merger

The merger of Dawson Public Power District and Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District will be reviewed at the Nebraska Power Review Board meeting in February. A hearing will be held on February 15, with the possibility for additional information and...

Dawson PPD welcomes three new board members

David Pieper – Lincoln Subdivision, North Platte Tyler Kugler – Dawson Subdivision, Elwood Mary “Liz” Wroblewski – Buffalo Subdivision, Ravenna Dawson Public Power District welcomed its newest board members at its February meeting. Directors David Pieper of North...
Dawson PPD Board elects new officers

Dawson PPD Board elects new officers

President – Dan Muhlbach, Buffalo Subdivision Vice President – Craig Wietjes, Buffalo Subdivision Treasurer – Page Peterson, Lincoln Subdivision The Dawson Public Power District Board of Directors voted in new officers at the January Board Meeting. The officers were...
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