(308) 324-2386
Sara Campbell

Sara Campbell

From Consumer Accounting Representative (front desk) to billing

Bob Miller

Bob Miller

From Substation Technician to Manager of Purchasing, Facilities and Fleet

Trever Miller

Trever Miller

From Journeyman Lineman on a Lexington Construction Crew to Substation Technician

Casandra Way

Casandra Way

From Consumer Accounting Representative to Engineering Coordinator


Open house events to discuss the potential merger

The public is invited to attend one of the open house events to learn more about the potential merger. There will not be a formal presentation at the open house. Instead, guests are welcome to visit with representatives of The Central Nebraska Public Power District...

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Working for you

Working for you

Dawson PPD’s locally elected board of directors is charged with representing the interests of you and your neighbors, family and friends while upholding their responsibilities. I

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Rule your attic

Rule your attic

Take control of your utility bills this heating season. Learn more about attic insulation and if it measures up.

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