(308) 324-2386

Washing windows and screens is a great way to practice energy efficiency during spring cleaning. Clean windows and screens make your home brighter by allowing more sunlight in, reducing the need for lamps and fixtures. Clean screens also allow more fresh air in the home when the windows are open to recycle indoor air. Natural light and clean air are energy savers, and they enhance overall health and productivity.

Source: energy.gov


Service upgrade policy changes

Starting in January 2024, Dawson PPD will charge to increase the size of an existing electric service. The value of the retired equipment will be credited toward the cost of new equipment. Increasing the size of a motor on an irrigation service, adding a swing arm to...

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Purple light? Report it!

Purple light? Report it!

Do you have a Dawson PPD provided LED light that shines purple at night? Please contact us to report it!
The purple light is a defect that changes the color of the light from white to purple. This defect does not affect energy efficiency or performance.

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