(308) 324-2386

Washing windows and screens is a great way to practice energy efficiency during spring cleaning. Clean windows and screens make your home brighter by allowing more sunlight in, reducing the need for lamps and fixtures. Clean screens also allow more fresh air in the home when the windows are open to recycle indoor air. Natural light and clean air are energy savers, and they enhance overall health and productivity.

Source: energy.gov


Between the lines: Forty-eight years of power

Between the lines: Forty-eight years of power

By Gwen Kautz, Dawson PPD General Manager gkautz (at) dawsonpower.com 308-324-2386 Every once in awhile you meet someone that has a greater influence in your life than others you meet. That happened to me in 1996. Long before he met me, he had already impacted many in...

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Planning is essential when medical equipment is in use

Planning is essential when medical equipment is in use

Caregivers need to have plans to cope with many types of emergencies, including power outages. "We all need a plan for emergencies. It is especially important when you're caring for someone who has a medical condition," said Dawson PPD Manager of Customer Service...

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