(308) 324-2386

Dawson PPD offers a rebate to customers who have a transfer switch (also called a double-throw switch) installed so they can safely connect their generator for use during a power outage.

A transfer switch is important because it does not allow power from the generator to flow back through the meter and transformer and out on the power line. If a customer’s generator sent power back on the line, it could kill a lineworker making repairs to the line.

  • The rebate applies to transfer switches installed on April 1, 2011, or later.
  • The transfer switch must be installed by a licensed electrician according to the National Electrical Code.
  • A manual switch must be a self-contained unit with a center “off” position and be installed near the Dawson PPD meter.
  • An electronic switch that is part of an automatic power backup system does qualify.
  • A mechanical interlock device installed in a service panel does not qualify.
  • Once installed, Dawson PPD personnel will inspect and test the switch to ensure it is working properly and in compliance with Dawson PPD’s Standby Generator and Transfer Switch Installation Policy.
Rebate amount

The rebate for transfer switches is $300 for a 100-amp switch or $500 for a 200-amp switch. The rebate pricing was updated on January 1, 2024. If you purchased and installed a transfer switch between April 1, 2011, and December 31, 2023, your rebate will be subject to the former rate of $200 for a 100 amp switch or $300 for a 200 amp switch.

Visit our rebates page for more information, and to view other incentives.

Transfer switch


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