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Dawson PPD thanks irrigation customers who worked around the load management system tests on May 14 and 15. There are no plans for further testing this May. Regular load control will follow the normal schedule beginning June 1 as the first potential day.

The load management program is key to keeping irrigation rates as low as possible. Multiple hardware and software systems work together to control and release load.

On the first day of testing, the text message notification to customers was slightly delayed. We apologize for this inconvenience. The load control system successfully sent the appropriate signals to the control boxes, resulting in a reduction in load each day.

The regular irrigation load management season begins on June 1, 2024. The program offers lower electric rates are offered to customers who select higher levels of load control.


Merger update: Going forward from here

Merger update: Going forward from here

In mid-February, the Nebraska Power Review Board heard testimony about the proposed merger of The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District and Dawson Public Power District. The PRB asked for an extension of the normal 60-day deadline for a decision....

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Sign it online

Would you like a digital version of annual irrigation paperwork instead of mailed forms? Let us know! The goal is to streamline the process in 2024, reducing paper and postage. Two forms will be available electronically in 2024: the verification of customer...

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Answering your irrigation account questions

Answering your irrigation account questions

Is my well controlled every day I get a CODE RED text message? The same load management text messages are sent to all electric irrigation customers. A “code red” day will only affect your irrigation system if it is eligible for control that specific day. For example:...

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