(308) 324-2386

Electrical supply: Looking out for you

Dawson Public Power District customers trust that electricity is available and dependable. But what about the headlines predicting energy shortfalls? “First, you need to know that there are different levels of entities who are working to ensure electrical capacity and...

Irrigation rates have not changed since 2021

At their December meeting, Dawson PPD’s board affirmed that there will be no changes to the irrigation rate for the 2024 season. The rates have remained stable since 2021. The District will conduct a rate study later this year. The goal of the study is to ensure that...

Service upgrade policy changes

Starting in January 2024, Dawson PPD will charge to increase the size of an existing electric service. The value of the retired equipment will be credited toward the cost of new equipment. Increasing the size of a motor on an irrigation service, adding a swing arm to...

End of Control for 2023

Control has ended for the 2023 irrigation season. There will be no more control messages. Thank you for your cooperation this season! Irrigators may submit 2024 control changes at no cost starting September 11th, 2023 until March 15th, 2024.
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