(308) 324-2386

Ag related damages are concerning

There were 26 ag related incidents that caused damage to Dawson PPD lines and equipment in 2021. The cost of the damage ranged from $289 to $4,645. The cost for these incidents was billed to the people and farms involved. “Damages to power lines and equipment is more...

Phase converters: Magic solution? Maybe not

Starting with single-phase power and making it work for three-phase equipment can make projects possible. However, phase converters aren’t always a good solution. “Call Dawson PPD to talk about your electrical project before planning to use a phase converter,” says...

Power factor used in 2022 billing

The horsepower or demand portion of the irrigation bill will be adjusted if an account’s power factor reading is under 90%. The reading was listed on the 2021 energy billing. Dawson PPD started educating customers about the use of power factor in spring of 2020. A...

Rates are set for the 2021 irrigation season

March 2021 The Board of Directors approved rate increases to take effect in 2021. The overall rate increase for irrigation customers is 2.44%. Irrigation rates increased $1 per horsepower for the spring billing. Increases in the kilowatt hour charge vary by control...
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