(308) 324-2386
Tree trimming ensures reliable and affordable power

Tree trimming ensures reliable and affordable power

Trees are often appreciated for the beauty, shade and habitat they provide birds and other wildlife. At Dawson PPD, we strive to balance maintaining beautiful surroundings and ensuring a reliable power supply by keeping power lines clear in rights of way (ROW). A...
Guest column: Why I chose a career as an electrical engineer

Guest column: Why I chose a career as an electrical engineer

As an Engineer, I get a lot of questions about how I chose this job. I became interested in the electric utility industry as a kid. Both my father and my maternal grandfather were farmers and ranchers who have held board positions at a REA. It is what made me aware of...
A career with heart

A career with heart

After 33 years of service, Jean Edeal has retired from Dawson PPD. A people-person and volunteer at heart, Edeal talks more about her job from a serving role and not just the tasks completed. “When I can do something that helps others, it makes me feel good,” she...
Dawson PPD Board Subdivision Boundaries Redrawn

Dawson PPD Board Subdivision Boundaries Redrawn

The Dawson Public Power District Board Subdivision Boundaries were redrawn in response to population data collected by the 2020 Census. The new boundaries were approved by the Power Review Board in early 2022. Each member of the 11-person board represents about 2,300...
Fresh off the farm

Fresh off the farm

Raw milk is a trend that consumers are starting to latch on to, but it can be difficult to find a supplier. Fortunately for central Nebraska, The Milk House serves high quality, nutritious raw milk with the help of its six Jersey and Jersey-cross cows. Rancher...
The pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines

The pros and cons of overhead and underground power lines

Overhead Pros: Less expensive to build and repair Easier to spot faults/damage Can be built on any terrain Cons: Susceptible to wind, ice and snow More vulnerable to damage from trees and vegetation More vulnerable to blinks caused by animals Susceptible to damage...
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