(308) 324-2386
Bob Miller

Dawson Public Power District has named Bob Miller as its Manager of Purchasing, Facilities and Fleet. His duties began in April.

Miller began working for Dawson PPD in 2003. He was a part-time employee while working to complete his associate degree in utility line. Upon graduation, he became an apprentice lineman on a Lexington construction crew. In 2014, he became a substation technician.

“I am looking forward to a new challenge in this position,” Miller said. “I’m thankful for the opportunity to further myself as a person and grow in my career.”

“Bob is a good fit for this position,” said General Manager Gwen Kautz. “He brings a wealth of experience from working on the front line and will be a valuable asset to our team.”


Answering your irrigation account questions

Answering your irrigation account questions

Is my well controlled every day I get a CODE RED text message? The same load management text messages are sent to all electric irrigation customers. A “code red” day will only affect your irrigation system if it is eligible for control that specific day. For example:...

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